How does the airplane find its way, today we will talk about how the airplane finds its way, how do they know in which direction to go, how does the airplane see the way in the night. After all, this question comes, how does the airplane know the way, some people think that if the airplane flies, then it can go from anywhere, then tell you that there is nothing like this, the airplane also has its own path. There is a way and this is the fixed way by which airplanes fly, apart from this let us tell you that radio and Radha are used to tell these routes to the pilot, apart from this there are air traffic controllers (ATC) which guide the pilot. They keep telling at what height they have to fly the airplane, the airplane has its own path, which always remains in the range of these air traffic controllers, but in the beginning it was not so, in olden times, the pilot used to fly the airplane or know the way. land mountain house and railway line