Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cause and Troubleshooting an Overheating Compressor ! By Imran

Troubleshooting an Overheating Compressor
Here are a few tips you can try to find the issue before contacting a professional: High head pressure can be caused by dirty condenser coils, a faulty condenser fan, too much refrigerant or perhaps some other heat source near the compressor such as a dryer vent. An electrical problem outside of the A/C also may cause a compressor to overheat, such as voltage issues or spikes in power. This may be a problem with your home's electrical system or something external such as electrical transformer or grid issues. An issue called "high superheat" can be caused by not enough refrigerant in the system, a kink or restriction in the refrigerant line, a malfunctioning metering component or a hot-liquid line too close to the compressor, such as a hot-water pipe. If the compressor is short-cycling, this also can cause overheating. The problem might be due to a dirty air filter or evaporator coil, or a faulty capacitor or metering device

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